Landspeak Conference 2021 · Film Panel: Movings Images, Dynamic Languages
With: Thirza Cuthand, Brenda Rawn Jordan, Paul Halferty, Naomi Wilson, Elaine Gallagher, Tasha Hubbard, Catherine Martin, Daniel O’Hara, James Kelly, June Scudeler, Louise Ní Fhiannachta and Kevin Lee Burton
The film panel Moving Images, Dynamic Languages brought together Indigenous filmmakers from the land now known as Canada and filmmakers working as Gaelige (in the Irish language) on the island of Ireland. The panel was moderated by James Kelly and June Scudeler.
Looking particularly at language and identity, and at teachings and story, the panel was an opportunity for these filmmakers to connect and address the importance of fostering and nurturing indigenous languages, stories, teachings, and memory.
The panel was divided into two conversations, one after the other. The participants in the two conversations are listed below, along with a link to a film from each filmmaker, or a link to a selection of their work as shown on the website of the National Film Board of Canada (NFB).
Filmmakers, first conversation · Moderated by James Kelly
- Louise Ni Fhiannachta · Rúbaí
- Daniel O’Hara · Yu Ming Is Ainm Dom
- Catherine Martin · Films viewable on NFB website
- Kevin Lee Burton – Films viewable on NFB website
- James Kelly – Athair (Father)
Filmmakers, second conversation · Moderated by June Scudeler
- Naomi Wilson · An Cailleach Bhéarra
- Elaine Gallagher · An Rinceoir (The Dancer)
- Thirza Cuthand · Woman Dress
- Tasha Hubbard · Buffalo Calling · See also more on NFB website
This event was sponsored by imagineNATIVE.