My Profile
Hugh Burnam Hode'hnyahä:dye' is Mohawk, Wolf Clan from the Onondaga Nation. As the current Director of Education and Grants for the Iroquois Nationals Academy, Hugh provides leadership and administrative oversight for grant-funded and student support academic programs. He also facilitates cultural awareness trainings for the INA with partnering organizations. Hugh is a PhD Candidate in the Cultural Foundations of Education program at Syracuse University, where his PhD examines Haudenosaunee masculinity in higher education. Hugh has experience working in higher education supporting historically marginalized communities of colour and researching experiences of Native students in higher education.
Hugh Burnam Hode'hnyahä:dye' is Mohawk, Wolf Clan from the Onondaga Nation. As the current Director of Education and Grants for the Iroquois Nationals Academy, Hugh provides leadership and administrative oversight for grant-funded and student support academic programs. He also facilitates cultural awareness trainings for the INA with partnering organizations. Hugh is a PhD Candidate in the Cultural Foundations of Education program at Syracuse University, where his PhD examines Haudenosaunee masculinity in higher education. Hugh has experience working in higher education supporting historically marginalized communities of colour and researching experiences of Native students in higher education.